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AMA: Plant-Based Hospital Food Improves Health

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By Laurie Courage

Plant-based foods coming to a hospital near you.

Finally! The American Medical Association (AMA) agrees. They just passed a resolution calling on hospitals to serve HEALTHFUL FOOD including PLANT-BASED meals and ELIMINATING PROCESSED MEATS (ie bacon, sausage, hot dogs, cold cuts) which the World Health Organization has labeled carcinogenic to humans!

“RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association hereby call on US hospitals to improve the health of patients, staff, and visitors by (1) providing a variety of healthful food, including plant-based meals and meals that are low in fat, sodium, and added sugars, (2) eliminating processed meats from menus, and (3) providing and promoting healthful beverages.”

I personally reached out to a very prestigious cancer hospital earlier this year on this very topic. My efforts were met with at best very vague answers about the connection between food and treatment, and at worst excuses why it doesn’t matter.  I could not be more excited to see this recommendation thanks to the hard work of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine leading this effort.

If you or someone you love is being treated in a hospital or is expecting to be hospitalized, please share this with your doctor and the hospital. Request the option for an improved menu to start your healing right away, in the hospital, by eating healing plant-based food and don’t injure yourself further by eating processed meat.

Why wait until you are hospitalized?

And better still, change how you eat right now, before you are hospitalized for any number of ‘routine’ surgeries, and improve your health to avoid surgery altogether or at al least improve your recovery.

It is great that the AMA is (finally) calling on hospitals to change their food offerings, but it is even better to eat delicious food at home and avoid the hospital!

Start today. I can help.

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