As someone who started my first real container garden only a few years ago, I am still new at this. I wanted a source of fresh organic vegetables, but what I got was so much more. I learned about the true seasonality of food and the amazing taste of fresh-picked and heirloom varieties.
And I learned that some vegetables were very generous, like lettuce.
First, I had no idea how many lettuce varieties there were. Long ago, I had decided organic romaine lettuce was my go to staple for salads at the market, with some occasional mesclun for fun. This spring, I grew 6 different lettuce varieties in a medium container. Better still, most leaf lettuces can be harvested a few leaves at a time, starting with the outer leaves and tearing them close to the base, while leaving the rest for another day! It takes only a few weeks to grow lettuce and can be enjoyed for several days. So worth it.