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Happy New Year!

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By Laurie Courage

No, I am not confused about the date. Since reconnecting with the source and quality of our food, for me the first day of spring is the time to begin again. It is a chance for a do-over. So my spring checklist this week included some great foodie things to do for my body…

  • CSA sign-up – check.
  • Cool weather flowers and veggies planted – check.
  • Raw food cooking school – check.

One more thing to make the transition to spring complete…

  • Spring clean-up and clean-out the house – huge check!

This year, we donated and gave away so much stuff! So happy to share with others through our local community food co-op, other local charities, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island, as well as The Freecycle Network, and Better World Books. And I love it when we can find a match – art supplies and a rain barrel to teachers, 200 cooking magazines to a battered women’s shelter, basketball hoop to a family that lost their job, Disney VHS collection and VHS player to a family that lost all their Disney DVDs during Hurricane Sandy, hand-made PVC grow light to a fellow gardener, treasured books and collectibles to friends that share the same passions, and DVDs and books to our local library book swap.

Just as a healthy diet helps us feel lighter with a clear head and a clear conscience, spring cleaning – purging, recycling, and donating those things that no longer serve us but may serve others – does the same thing for our living space and helps to make room in our lives for what really matters.

Feels great to make some space while making a difference!

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