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You are here, and where is that exactly?

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By Laurie Courage

For those of us who have tried hard to regain our health without the need for medication as we age, most of us would likely say ‘been there, done that.’

We would think back to all the fad diets (including some marketed by doctors, don’t get me started), gym memberships, supplements, cookbooks, exercise equipment, infomercials, off-label drug prescriptions (some losing sight of pledge to do no harm), alternative modalities and unkept promises to ourselves.

But, as we know, it is hard to make lifestyle changes that last.

  • Diets don’t work.
  • Gym memberships lapse.
  • Willpower expires.
  • Processed foods and eating out makes everything harder.


What choice do we have? Many of us feel trapped in the ‘system’, the one that promises healthcare but all too often delivers sick care.  With escalating co-pays, the distraction of deteriorating health concerns, and limits on our golden years, we wonder how we got ‘here’ and where specifically that is anyway.

To make it to our destination, we have to start with where we are today. For some, our health GPS might show these coordinates:

Checking the boxes

  • Need to lose some weight – check.
  • Accumulating medications – check.
  • Side-effects from those meds (aka symptoms which we were told are just part of aging) – check.
  • Discussion of surgery options in your future or a list of those already done – check.
  • Brain fog – not noticeable at first, but where did I put those keys – check.
  • Losing friends/family the same age or younger too soon – check.
  • Tried eating more plant-based but don’t know how to fit it into your life right now – check. 
  • Feeling like you are missing a guide by your side and want this to be your last diet – check.


OK, the last one is a shameless plug for what I do, helping people who check all the boxes above to regain their health and uncheck many or even all of these boxes for good. 

Next time you look at your phone to find the easiest route to your destination, think how easy it could be if you could do the same with your health, adding life to your years and years to your life


You can do this. Eating whole plant-based foods are a great way to start moving in the right direction.

And, if you need more support, we can do this. Join my waitlist here for my next Eat to Heal Over 50 program starting soon.   

Whole Food Plant Based Diet | Encouraging Greens

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