Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) doesn’t happen overnight.
When we are born, we have 2 kidneys, each with approximately 1 million filtering units (Glomeruli). This starts us off in life with lots of excess filtering capacity, also known as our renal reserve.
But then life happens.
Throughout our lives, our kidneys filter our blood by removing waste products, toxins and minerals and balancing fluids. As we age and based on our lifestyle, they start to lose their ability to manage this essential process and become less effective at doing their job.
When is the best time to check your kidney heath?
The scary part is few of us may be paying attention to the health of our kidneys, until there is a problem.
- Painful kidney stones and resulting stents? I had no idea my food choices mattered so much!
- Stage 3 CKD diagnosis with eGFR<59? Wait, why am I only finding out now at stage 3? The info on the internet is so confusing about what to eat.
- Having warning conversations about Dialysis? Why can’t I just start eating healthy now and make it all go away?
You don’t want to wait until you find yourself having these conversations with your doctor before you do something.
Now is a great time for some needed TLC.
I am all about taking back control of your health, always starting today. So, what can you do to avoid CKD? Here are some simple suggestions to show your kidneys some love.
- Talk to your doctor about your kidney health. Get your blood and urine tested for the warning signs, early and often. Know which levels are important to watch and how your body may be hiding some gaps.
- Eat whole plant foods, less junk (including processed vegan foods) and specifically watch out for harmful foods with added ingredients (like the added phosphates in diet colas) and added sugars in many processed foods. Cook at home more and eat out less.
- Drink water as drink of choice. Stay away from drinks that add stuff.
- Read the labels for any medications and learn about side effects to your kidneys. Change your diet and lifestyle (I can help) so you may no longer need those medications.
- Even before you have diagnosed CKD, watch your sodium (mostly from processed foods and eating out) and be careful not to overdo on protein. Alkaline foods are your friends. Potassium-rich whole plant foods are a great choice but levels may need to be monitored if your CKD advances.
Take your kidney health and CKD seriously.
There is much more detail behind each of these tips and so many excellent resources. I know. I read 3 books on Kidney health and Plant-Based nutrition this weekend. Don’t just take my word for it. There are several studies like here, here and here. Even the National Kidney Foundation has an awareness campaign promoting plant-based eating for kidney health.
Of course, check with your medical team to know your numbers and where you are with your kidney health. In fact, for those with more advanced CKD, you will need work closely with a renal nutritionist to carefully monitor what you eat.
However, there is something everyone should know.
Kidney filters don’t regenerate.
Kidney health is very closely related to Diabetes and high blood pressure. While those chronic conditions will improve with diet, our Kidney filters don’t grow back. While the body can compensate for some filter loss, we have what we have until it is gone.
Think about it – You have the most kidney filters today that you will ever have. Each bite, sip and/or pill you take today will determine how many filters you may have left tomorrow. I, for one, want to keep all of mine.
Today is a great day to start to make a lifestyle change that lasts. If you want support to make this plant-based lifestyle work for you (and protect your kidneys from CKD) long before those difficult conversations need to take place, join my Eat to Heal Over 50 program where we help the whole body heal with whole plant food.
Your kidneys will thank you!