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A matter of perspective

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By Laurie Courage

“Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” is a common safety message on your side mirror warning you that your perspective might be distorted. The words are right where they need to be so you can make a more informed choice in the moment.

As a guide who spends much of my time helping others to navigate how to make a plant-based lifestyle fit into their lives each day, I know how important the right perspective can be, especially if we want to take back control of our health for good. As we age, we have less time to make mistakes.

Ask yourself what may be holding you back

One of the biggest challenges some people share when first starting out on a plant-based journey is their perspective about a lack of confidence in their skills cooking at home.

Some even and emphatically start by letting me know I don’t cook! When I dig deeper, I often see a few things at the root (pun intended).

  • Maybe they never learned, someone else always did it for them, they grew up on fast food, etc.
  • Maybe they used to cook but now they are done after 30+ years of cooking for everyone else and would much rather just eat or order out all the time as a well-deserved break.
  • Maybe they are afraid of changing the dishes they have made for years and risk losing accolades or upsetting their families or partners by changing the familiar. 

Simple shortcuts can help with a big shift

By the way, the good news is that most people already have the skills they need to get started even if they are just using the microwave or boiling water or preheating the oven, so I meet them where they are and we start there. 

There are many steps involved in shifting our perspective but, similar to the car mirror message which is only one of many visual cues we have to drive safer,  a simple sign in the kitchen that says, “Yes, I can cook” could be a good reminder to help shift our perspective right when we need it the most.

Gaining clarity helps with motivation 

So why is cooking at home so important for better health? So many reasons. Here are 5 to start:

  1. We aren’t getting any younger and every bite we eat is either improving our health expectancy or shortening the quality and length of our lives. Time is precious. So is our health. Food is fuel, especially fiber. We could put WD-40 in our car but it wouldn’t take us very far.
  2. Eating out is NEVER the best option. Yes, sad as I am to say it, even the healthy-ish, vegan or mostly made to order restaurants rarely match the health benefits of simple foods prepared simply at home. Unless you have spoken to the chef or owner and know every ingredient and how it is prepared, make ‘healthy’ eating out a special treat but not an everyday occurrence.
  3. As we age, we may need less calories in general. Focus on making each calorie count. Eat a rainbow before looking at the dessert menu. Have a second sweet potato or toss kale, beans and broccoli in your salad if you are still hungry or are looking for more protein or calcium instead of wasting your calories mindlessly eating a basket of white bread.
  4. At home, you know what you are eating. By eating mostly from the produce or bulk sections, and reading food labels, you can avoid ‘natural flavors’, additives and carcinogens and just enjoy real food.
  5. Whole plant foods cooked at home cost a lot less when made from simple ingredients. As your health improves, you will likely have more to choices to spend or save on your active lifestyle.

Here is an added bonus.

Your brain is great at connecting the dots. You’re welcome.

Next time you are in your car even thinking about driving somewhere to eat out or order take out, look at your side mirror. Now, after reading this post, it may serve as another great reminder to stop and shift your perspective. Check your pantry or fridge first. Cook simply and simply cook instead. 

It’s a sign! (ps. I can help

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